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We offer comprehensive research consultancy services for Ph.D. scholars and research institutions. Our experienced team provides guidance and support throughout the research process, including:

Problem Formulation

Formulate research problems effectively and efficiently with our problem formulation expertise.

Literature Review

Navigate the research landscape with confidence by leveraging our expertise in conducting thorough and insightful literature reviews.

Manuscript Design

Craft your manuscript with precision and professionalism using our meticulous manuscript design services.

Research design including Questionnaire design

Develop a robust research design and create a comprehensive questionnaire tailored to your research objectives with our expert guidance.

Data analysis, and result interpretation

Utilize advanced data analysis techniques to extract meaningful insights from your research data and interpret the results effectively.

We assist scholars in conducting rigorous and impactful research, ensuring high-quality outputs and successful completion of their research projects.

Body of work from CARES

Simple PLS SEM Model

Mediator Moderator analysis

Simple mediator analysis

Parallel mediator and serial mediator model

Focus Group discussion

Key Driver analysis

Data envelope analysis